
Yvette is booking a 2-night stay at a hotel. The rate is $89 per room plus tax. If state tax is 6%, city tax is 2%, and municipal tax is 1%, what is her total lodging cost?

Accepted Solution

Short Answer: C
I hope these taxes are not compounded. Some places do that.
Total tax = 9%

First figure out the cost of the room for 2 nights
C = 89 + 89
C = 178

There are two ways to add on the 9%. Both ways require that you change 9% to a decimal
9% = 9/100 = 0.09

The first way is just to take 9% of 178
9% 178 = 0.09 * 178 = $16.02

And add this onto 178Β 
C1 = 178 + 16.02Β 
C1 = 194.02

Answer 194.02
C <<<<< answer

Or you can solve this more directly by adding 0.09 onto 1
1.09 * 178 = 194.02 which is the answer.

Answer = C <<<<