
Use the elimination method to solve the following system of equations.4x - 12y = 0x + 3y = 7

Accepted Solution

For this case we have the following system of equations:[tex]4x-12y = 0\\x + 3y = 7[/tex]To solve, we follow the steps below:We multiply the second equation by -4:[tex]-4x-12y = -28[/tex]We add the equations:[tex]4x-4x-12y-12y = 0-28[/tex]Equal signs are added and the same sign is placed.[tex]-24y = -28\\y = \frac {-28} {- 24}\\y = \frac {14} {12} = \frac {7} {6}[/tex]We look for the value of the variable "x":[tex]x = 7-3y\\x = 7-3 \frac {7} {6}\\x = 7- \frac {21} {6}\\x = \frac {42-21} {6}\\x = \frac {21} {6}\\x = \frac {7} {2}[/tex]Thus, the solution of the system is:[tex](x, y): (\frac {7} {2}; \frac {7} {6})[/tex]Answer:[tex](x, y): (\frac {7} {2}; \frac {7} {6})[/tex]