
Determine whether a triangle can be formed with the given side lengths. If so, use Heron's formula to find the area of the triangle. a = 240 b = 127 c = 281

Accepted Solution

Answer:   area of the triangle is about 15,183.766Step-by-step explanation:The sum of the two shortest sides is 367, which is greater than the longest side, hence these side lengths can form a triangle.*The perimeter is ...   p = 240 +127 +281 = 648so the semi-perimeter is ...   s = p/2 = 648/2 = 324Heron's formula tells you the area is ...   A = √(s(s -a)(s -b)(s -c)) = √(324·84·197·43) = √230,546,736   A ≈ 15,183.766The area of the triangle is about 15,183.766 square units._____* The terms s-a, s-b, and s-c are all positive, which is further evidence the side lengths will form a triangle. If one or more of those factors is negative, the side lengths will not form a triangle.